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Best Love Status Cute Love Status Cute Relationship Quotes Let me love you

Best Love Status, Love Quotes

Everyone wants to send the best love status. We always want to send the best love status. Love is. How much everyone does nothing to love. People write poetry for love People write Shayari for love. People use SMS to send something to people they love, write status. Is a popular status writing medium for people who love it? Every day, people want to send love to WhatsApp. Given some love status.

best love status

“I was smiling yesterday, I am smiling today and I will smile tomorrow. Simply because life is too short to cry for anything.”


“I might be in love with you.” He smiles a little. “I’m waiting until I’m sure to tell you, though.”
— Veronica Roth


Friendship … is born at the moment when one man says to another “What! You too? I thought that no one but myself . . .” 
— C.S. Lewis (The Four Love


“You love me. Real or not real?”
I tell him, “Real.” 
— Suzanne Collins (Mockingjay)


“Have you fallen in love with the wrong person yet?’
Jace said, “Unfortunately, Lady of the Haven, my one true love remains myself.”
…”At least,” she said, “you don’t have to worry about rejection, Jace Wayland.”
“Not necessarily. I turn myself down occasionally, just to keep it interesting.” 
— Cassandra Clare


“I’m in love with you,” he said quietly.

“Augustus,” I said.

“I am,” he said. He was staring at me, and I could see the corners of his eyes crinkling. “I’m in love with you, and I’m not in the business of denying myself the simple pleasure of saying true things. I’m in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we’re all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we’ll ever have, and I am in love with you.” 
— John Green (The Fault in Our Stars)


“There is no pretending,” Jace said with absolute clarity. “I love you, and I will love you until I die, and if there is life after that, I’ll love you then.” 
— Cassandra Clare


“Dumbledore watched her fly away, and as her silvery glow faded he turned back to Snape, and his eyes were full of tears.
“After all this time?”
“Always,” said Snape.” 
— J.K. Rowling
love quotes


“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, ‘Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?’ Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won’t feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It’s not just in some of us; it’s in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.” 
— Marianne Williamson (A Return to Love: Reflections on the Principles of “A Course in Miracles”)


“Some people don’t understand the promises they’re making when they make them,” I said.

“Right, of course. But you keep the promise anyway. That’s what love is. Love is keeping the promise anyway.” 
— John Green


“I have something I need to tell you,” he says. I run my fingers along the tendons in his hands and look back at him. “I might be in love with you.” He smiles a little. “I’m waiting until I’m sure to tell you, though.”
“That’s sensible of you,” I say, smiling too. “We should find some paper so you can make a list or a chart or something.”
I feel his laughter against my side, his nose sliding along my jaw, his lips pressing my ear.
“Maybe I’m already sure,” he says, “and I just don’t want to frighten you.”
I laugh a little. “Then you should know better.”
“Fine,” he says. “Then I love you.”
— Veronica Roth


“Love conquers all,” Aphrodite promised. “Look at Helen and Paris. Did they let anything come between them?”
“Didn’t they start the Trojan War and get thousands of people killed?”
“Pfft. That’s not the point. Follow your heart.”
— Rick Riordan

Cute love status

If Superman’s weakness is kryptonite, mine is tears falling from your eyes.

Every love story is unique in its own ways but ours is the one I love the most.

Best Love Status

Dear Crush, please don’t crush my little fragile heart.

  • The moment I wake up, thoughts of you sweep my mind.

Cute Love Status

Cute Relationship Quotes

Let me love you

My heart beats and ticks and soars on the sight of you.

Ever since I met you, people told me I have changed. I became corny, cheesy and dreamy.

I don’t mind doing foolish and crazy things as long as I can do it with you.

Let me love you


I love sleeping very much, but I don’t mind losing some of it as long as I can talk to you longer.

  1. Best love status for Whatsapp and facebook sharing

( 1 ) “Today you are you! That is truer than true! There is no one alive who is you-er than you!
Dr. Seuss”

( 2 ) I hate how chocolates immediately melt on my fingers. I mean, am I that hot?   …More Whatsapp status

( 3 )  Can’t talk, telepathy only!

( 4 )  My week is basically …Monday–>Monday#2–>Monday#3–>Monday#4–>Friday–>Saturday–>pre-Monday

( 5 ) Do not allow negative people to turn you into one of them.

( 6 )  “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.
—Ferris Bueller(Ferris Bueller’s Day Off)”


“I love you, Savannah, and I always will,” I breathed. “You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me. You were my best friend and my lover, and I dont regret a single moment of it. You made me feel alive again, and most of all, you gave me my father. I’ll never forget you for that. You’re always going to be the very best part of me. I’m sorry it has to be this way, but I have to leave, and you have to see your husband.” As I spoke, I could feel her shaking with sobs, and I continued to hold her for a long time afterward. When we finally seperated, I knew that it would be the last time I ever held her. I backed away, my eyes holding Savannah’s. “I love you, too, John,” she said. “Good-bye.” I raised a hand.” 
— Nicholas Sparks

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